The main-server, the test-servers ‘Nature’, ‘Flat’ and ‘Space’, as well as the wiki-server are the key components of RedstoneWorld. These rules serve the purpose of the main rules. WarTech-project or the survival-server please note the respective additional rules.
needed programm: bought game ‘Minecraft’ (Java Edition)
At the first sign in you will have the standard rank ‘Besucher’ (= Guest) with very restricted rights. With the command /warp rules you get teleported directly to a list of the server rules. The rules are the same as those listed here. In the same area is a sign for accepting the rules. Make sure, that you read and understood every point before granting your approval with a right-click. By accepting the rules you get the ‘Mitglied’ (= Member) rank, with which you now have all rights that are required for playing on the server. Our team are able to help you with any questions about the rules. Have fun!
The usage of any online services provided by RedstoneWorld is free. The VIP- and Premium ranks apply with Mojang’s EULA. The VIP rank can be obtained after donating 5.00€ in total and the premium rank is available after a total of 40.00€. The player keeps their rank forever. If you are interested in donating, please contact the owner ‘RedstoneFuture’ directly! Ranks and rights which were obtained by donations are bound to your Minecraft-account and will only be transferred to a different account at the discretion of the administration. Any other transactions with real money or fraud are strictly prohibited and can get reported to the authorities.
Using one account for multiple people or using multiple accounts for one person is generally prohibited. Minecraft-nicknames that are similar to names of celebrities or to a team member’s name should be avoided! Pretending to be someone else or faking identity theft is prohibited. Avoid nicknames that could be mistaken as a test-account or bot of RedstoneWorld. We reserve the right to ban players until they change their name.
Minecraft-names, skins, chat-messages, links, structures and captions with sexist, discriminating, racist, violence-glorifying, insulting, pornographic or illegal contents as well as spreading false information is prohibited. On the main-server, the owner of a plot is primarily responsible for the plot's content. Structures by co-users and users that violate the rules must be removed and if needed the responsible players are to be reported to the server-team.
Be respectful and tolerant towards others! Harassment and threats are prohibited.
No spam — neither in the public chat, per PM or in any other way! The continuous writing in CAPITAL-LETTERS (‘caps lock’) or longer text in bold letters are not only ugly, but also usually get interpreted as aggressive yelling and thus are also to be avoided. The chat is usually only visible server wide. To write on the whole network, start the message with an exclamation mark or use the command /global.
Advertisement for other services (servers, livestreams, YouTube channels, Ts3-servers, Discord-servers …) is generally prohibited! Do not advertise RedstoneWorld on other services without permission. When someone is asking for specific ‘Redstone’ related sources sharing them in a private message via /msg is allowed. Otherwise the server-team's approval is required.
Multiple security-systems got put in place to protect the worlds. The plotworlds offer an opportunity to be creative. In the case of griefing by members of a plot the server-team is not necessarily responsible for restoration or to look for and punish the responsible player! The test-servers do not have build protection. Be respectful and carful regarding others on the test-servers. The use of hack-clients is strictly prohibited.
Intentionally lagging the root-server or other players' clients is prohibited. You must be careful and considerate of others. No important data get’s lost due to server crashes. The TPS can be checked with /tps and the ping with /ping (more info: /hilfe lag). Resource heavy tests are to be performed on the test-servers and should not be done pointlessly. What is and is not pointless, is determined by the server-team. (Ideally such tests should be communicated with the server-team as well as with players on the respective test-server beforehand.) All server crashes that are induced by your actions should be reported as soon as possible and an explanation should be provided.
Builds (incl. schematics) are generally subject to the German copyright law and the Mojang EULA (Rule 4: ‘Content’). Plot owners have the right to use, reproduce, edit and share all builds that are contained within their plot and comply with our rules. We reserve the right (except in the WarTech worlds), to produce audio and video recordings of plot contents and to copy redstone concepts and mechanisms with the purpose of collecting redstone circuits on the main world. In the case of exhibition, the name of the inventor / builder, or otherwise the plot owner is mentioned. The original remains unchanged. Circuits from exhibitions / parks on the main world can be copied and may be used and edited. In all other cases (foreign circuits etc.) the copyright owner must be asked for the respective right of use. In general, at least the builder’s name should be mentioned. Circuits for the ‘Mitglied+’ (= Member+) request are to be developed by yourself.
People that do not play and are away for a longer period of time (‘AFK’) should go offline. This, however, is not obligatory. If you are not moving or writing in chat, the server automatically as AFK. With the command /afk you can mark yourself as AFK manually. You will stay AFK, as long as you do not move or leave the server. If you are AFK your name gets crossed out in the tab list.
If you want to become part of the team or help in another way, apply at! Do not ask for ‘Operator’ or additional permissions! An application is only possible with the Rank ‘Mitglied’ (= Member) or higher! With the command /warp ranks you will be teleported to an info board with info about all existing ranks on the server.
You can contact the support directly and free for example on the server and on our TeamSpeak. Or write an E-Mail to More info’s on how to contact us are available with /hilfe. If you are unhappy with something, feel free to contact the server-team directly!
With accepting our rules, you also accept our privacy policy based on the European ‘General Data Protection Regulation’ (GDPR). On the RedstoneWorld Minecraft-servers we collect:
RedstoneWorld's team will not give your IP or address to others without your permission. More info on that is in point 4 of our privacy policy (Only German!) at Be careful with your personal data. The team will never ask you for any login credentials!
Obey instructions of a team members — especially the ones of a Supporter, a Admin and the Owner.
If you disobey the rules, team members have the right to take measures against your behaviour. We reserve the right to change the rules. Rule changes will be documented below these rules. We never ban anyone for personal reasons towards them! A ban appeal can be sent to
Last content-related changes: 12. January 2021
last changes:
12. January 2021
26. July 2019
09. November 2018